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Alaska Helicopter Tours

Knik Glacier Landing Tour - Palmer, Alaska

Offer Included when buying TourSaver® book:

Receive $50 off per person (1-2 people) when booking a 60-minute Knik Glacier Landing Tour.

(This page is only a description of the coupon. You must buy the Alaska TourSaver® book or the TourSaver® App to get your unique book number to use this offer.)

Value up to $100.00

Coupon Expires: 9-15-2025 (Updated for 2025)


Tours leave from Alaska Glacier Lodge near Palmer and feature a helicopter and glacier landing flightseeing tour. Valid May 15-August 30, 2025. One coupon per departure time only.

Space is limited. Must mention TourSaver coupon at time of initial reservation. Coupon is valid May 15-August 30, 2025. Restrictions and weight limits apply: a weight surcharge of $150 p.p. will be applied to each passenger weighing 250 pounds or more including clothing & gear. A 3.0 percent facility & permit fee will be applied to all bookings. Coupon is not valid with private tour options or child pricing. Not combinable with any other offer TourSaver coupons, offers, promotion or discounts, not redeemable for cash. One TourSaver coupon is accepted per bookable time slot. Coupon is VOID if detached from booklet. Coupon needs to be presented at check in to receive discount, if no coupon is presented passengers pay full retail price. Free cancelation up to 72 hours prior to departure, after that 100 percent cancel fee applies.

alaska helicopter tours

Used by 150,000 travelers, the Alaska TourSaver® coupon book has helped save visitors hundreds--sometimes more than a thousand dollars on Alaska trips.

Read some testimonials.

Alaska Travel Deals

110 Coupons. Size: 4 in. X 6 in. Weight: 6 oz.

110 Discounts

One Handy Booklet

alaska travel discounts

Available as an App or a mail-order booklet.

Download the 2025 App at Apple App store for iOS or Google Play for Android.

FINE PRINT: This page is not the coupon. This offer is reserved solely and exclusively for those who purchase the TourSaver® book or TourSaver app. To redeem this exclusive offer, you must purchase the TourSaver® book or TourSaver app and present it to vendors upon request. You must not construe this online description as a stand-alone offer either by printing this page or presenting it electronically on arrival. Printing and/or representing this page as a valid coupon constitutes fraud and as such will be prosecuted according to the laws in Alaska. 

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Great Alaskan TourSaver, LLC.

All rights reserved.
